Bring real focus to your
critical business strategy planning.

We’ve stripped strategic business planning down to the powerful essentials, to give you stunning clarity with maximum efficiency. Intensive workshops, proven techniques, refined processes and machine-like efficiency means your team walks out of the final session with access to your finished business strategy plan. Off you go, ready to conquer the world.

What it takes to create an effective strategic plan for business.

Focus, commitment and participation – but only for 24 hours. Thankfully, we’ve broken it down into four sessions, each lasting six hours, giving your team the opportunity to engage and contribute, while keeping the entire process on a strict schedule. After all, the world is not waiting for you.

What you’ll get.

Four core pages summarising the plan. With all of the detail sitting behind that. Unlike traditional advisory firms who deliver voluminous reports, our business strategy plan ‘decks’ really aren’t decks at all. They’re also not ours – they’re yours. Co-authored by the senior leadership of your organisation, these are all you need to help you create growth in your business:

Market Context.

Captures the full context of the market; uncovers the industry trends, delves into the core customer audiences and their needs, captures the DNA of the organisation, analyses the competitive landscape, then maps out the impact of your business strategy plan.

Growth Plan.

Breaks the ambitious financial target into the five proven ways to grow a business, and aligns the team around each of these targets.

business Strategic plan On A Page.

Evolves the strategic business plan and brings it to life through an elevator pitch, which includes the purpose, vision, values and culture; aligns the team around an ambitious financial target over the 3-5 year plan.


Maps the agreed strategy and growth and business strategy plans across eight key pillars of the organisation; provides a guide to execute with excellence. Prioritises the ten most important things to execute in year 1 and produces a one-page action plan for each one.

The 24 Hour Business Plan gives you the tools to make critical decision-making faster, more effective, more consistent and more distributed.

Get in touch.

Get off the workshop merry-go-round and bring real strategic traction to your business strategy planning. Contact the team at 24 Hour Business Plan now.